Monday, February 25, 2008

New Music @ Your Library

We've added a lot of new music recently at both our Greenville and Central City locations. We've got classic rock, hard rock, indie rock, and everything In between. If it has been a while since you've last browsed our music rack you might want to take another look.

We've got more music that will appeal to teens on the way, so, stay tuned!

- Wesley

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Teen Tech Week

The Muhlenberg County Public Libraries will be celebrating Teen Tech Week on March 4th and 5th at our Central City location. Stop by on those days from 4:00 to 6:00 pm for free pizza, tech based discussion, trivia, and hands-on experience. Those interested in promoting should click here for a full-sized flyer that you can print up and distribute.

For more information contact Wesley by calling 338-4760.

Heroes: Volume 1

It's becoming quite popular for television shows utilize a different form of media to tell part of its story. Comics, novels, video games and more are all factored in the Hollywood marketing machine now more than ever. During the first season of NBC's Heroes, those behind the show produced an online series of beautifully drawn graphic novels that told tales that played directly into what occurred during the program.

Heroes: Volume One compiles those aforementioned graphic novels into hardback book form. They are presented in chronological order, so, if you have the DVD set, you could easily watch the shows and read the book in sequence. Each chapter fits along nicely with the show's overall mythology by giving new insight into the backstory of some of the more mysterious characters and showing events that were too expensive for them to film.

If you missed these while they were posted on NBC's website, picking this up is highly recommend. It really helps clear up some of the more confusing aspects of the show.

- Wesley