Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Just a little over half of HP7

Well, despite my best intentions, I have not finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Access to book and audio in my "spare" time has still only got me to page 499. There has been excitement, danger, spells and sadness. And yet there is more to come. I savor each page and because I am listening and reading, I go back over some of it transferring from car to book and back again.
Harry Potter is truly much more than fantasy. It is about growing up, relationships, friendship, love and determination. The quest to follow through on the mission Dumbledore asked of the three friends is much more than they expected. Hardships abound. And yet, strength flows from the three friends back and forth and they continue on. I am enjoying every minute of the book. Jim Dale is outstanding with the audio version.

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