Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thank you J.K. Rowling

Well, first a big thank you to the author for giving me and indeed the world, these wonderful friends. Harry, Ron & Hermione and many more of the characters in the 7 enchanting books of the Harry Potter series will stand the test of time and be a friendship that will live in literature, history and every day culture all over the world for a long long time.

Not since Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn, in my opinion, has there been such a memorable set of fictional friends. Choices about doing the right thing and standing up with your friends in difficult times are key ingredients in both legendary friendships.

Number 7 was wonderful, thrilling, emotional, sad, and heartwrenching at times. Everything we hoped it would be! I won't tell plot. For anyone who ever reads this, there are other places to find plot summaries, but as I re-read the story I will post quotes from time to time. There are many quotes in HP7 that are memorable and will be starting points for discussion and storytelling and sharing. Enough to say that the end was satisfying and lives up to our hopes for the three friends and Dumbledore's Army.

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